It was a long but wonderful day! I woke up very early to catch my train from Brussels to London and arrived just in time. The room was already full of security guys, some well known faces and new ones. Let’s grab some coffee, some muffins and my bag full
BSidesLondon D-Day – 2
Still two times to sleep (like say children) and it’s the first edition of B-Sides London! The laptop is patched and hardened, tickets are printed, my slides are (almost) ready, Wednesday in the early morning, I’ll travel to London. It’s time to prepare my selection of talks! As usual, I’ll
All Your Passwords Are Belong to France?
A few days ago, a buzz hit the information security landscape. /. relayed a BBC article announcing that a new French decree will make hashed passwords illegal. Really? Honestly, when I read this, I also twitted about it. For security professionals, it looks totally unacceptable! Now, the buzz seems over
My OSSEC DashBoard
For a while, I was looking for a good solution to display my OSSEC server status in (near) real time. For most of us, the classic log file monitoring tool still remains based on the “tail | grep | awk | less” commands. If it catches perfectly the events you
La Nuit du Hack in Paris
“La Nuit du Hack” is a well-known event organized since 2004 (!) by Sysdream and HZV in Paris. I went to the 2010 edition, my wrap-up is available here. This last edition was victim of its success and access to the boat (yes, it was organized on a boat!) was
Why is the World IPv6 Day Important?
The World IPv6 Day is scheduled on 8th of June. During 24 hours, big players on the Internet will make their content available via IPv6. Popular websites, like Google, Facebook and many more, will be available via IPv4 or IPv6 depending on your network configuration. This blog is already available
Carrier Grade NAT VS IPv6
Yesterday I went to a cocktail organized by ISPA, the Belgian Internet Service Providers Association. I worked several years for ISP’s and I trying to keep in touch with them to gather interesting information about market trends. The topic of the event was “IPv6” (what a surprise!). Eric Vyncke, CTO
After Steganography, “Steganodrug”?
Steganography is a technique used to hide a message in another one. This word has a Greek origin: “steganos” means “covered or protected“. A well-known application of steganography is hiding a picture into another one. In information security, it can be useful as an evasion technique. But people have a
Escaping Censure with Tor Hidden Services
Tor aka “The Onion Router” is a well known network running on top of the regular Internet. It protects the confidentiality of communications between users and regular online services. As the multiple layers of an onion, Tor is a worldwide decentralized network based on layers. When you need to connect pwn3d… so what?
This is probably the breaking news of this weekend on security blogs and websites: and other related sites have been compromised! This was disclosed via an e-mail sent to the full-disclosure mailing list (copy here). If you take the time to read the message, you will learn that the