
I just found an interesting event scheduled on next Saturday: Freedom Not Fear 2009. The origin of this initiative came from Germany where authorities are known to have a strong position on data retention and Internet/mobile phone users tracking. The goal of this event is to protest against the growing

Compromized Bagde? ;-)

I’m back from Maubeuge where was organized the “Salon Informatique“. I had some free time this weekend and decided to visit our south-neighbors to make some social networking. The event had several aspects: exhibitors active in the open source world (users groups, schools, associations and professionals), a LAN party and

Find the Error!

Read here: “Chaque utilisateur de l’Internet est identifié, sur les réseaux, par un numéro à plusieurs chiffres, également appelé adresse IP (pour Internet Protocol). Par exemple : Et seuls les fournisseurs d’accès (Orange, Free…) peuvent savoir qui est la personne derrière chaque adresse IP. Cette information était considérée comme

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