HITB2011Ams Wrap-up Day #2

After a cool dinner with other Belgian infosec people, the second day started with a discussion panel about the “Economics of vulnerabilities“. The panelists were: Lucas Adamski (Mozilla), Steve Adegbite (Adobe), Aaron Portnoy (Tipping Point),Adrian Stone (Blackberry / RIM), Chris Evans (Google),Katie Moussouris (Microsoft), Dhillon Kannabhiran (HITB – moderator). Almost

Junkie the Network Sniffer

I always try to keep my blog independent of all commercial products. I don’t like “v€ndor$” trying to sell you the “most-powerful-solution-ever-seen-on-earth”. For me, information security must be based on a deep analyze of the problems, then chose the best solution to match the requirements (features, budgets, ease-of-use, etc). This

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