“Tomahawk” is the name of a popular cruise missile developed by General Dynamics in the seventies. But it is also the name of a free tool which helps to stress test security devices like firewalls or IDS. It has been written by Brian Smith from TippingPoint. This is well-known manufacturer
Category: Security
Your Firewall is Stupid!
The title of this post may sound extreme but it describes exactly the story below. Never forget that firewalls (like any other security device or application) is just a tool that must be used in the right way. If you use a drill with the wrong bit, you will miss
Exchanging Files Safely with File Sharing Services
Back in December 2010. During the OWASP Benelux Day, Nick Nikiforakis presented an ongoing study about the privacy of file sharing services. Big players are services like rapidshare.com or megaupload.com. The principle is very simple: you upload your files to a virtual storage space in the cloud and you get
Why Physical (Network) Security is Important?
When talking about security, companies often focus on the “security perimeter“. Inside this perimeter, you have the “good” guys and all the rest is considered as the “wild” world, the Internet. Once you passed the access controls, you are free to walk and do what you want. Can you approve
Yeti – Footprinting your Network
“Footprinting” is a technique to gather information about information systems. The goal is to collect as much information as possible and correlate them to build some kind of “business card” of the target. Relevant information are: DNS names, network topologies, software versions, localization and much more. To achieve footprinting, lot
Security B-Sides … Because Quality is not Always Expensive
Infosec people must keep their knowledge at the highest level. New threads, new technologies arise all the time. If you don’t perform a continuous education, you’ll are dead, so simply! There are plenty of ways to keep learning: books, forums, podcasts. Those are based on self-learning. Trainings and security conferences
Tracking Malicious IP & Users with OSSEC
A few months ago I blogged about Active Lists in OSSEC. Active lists are common in SIEM environments to store temporary sensitive data like IP addresses, user names or any other relevant information. Once stored in active lists, data can be reused in rules and the security of an infrastructure
Keep Big Brother away from Your Privacy!
Tomorrow, Friday 28th (or today depending on your timezone) is the Data Privacy Day. Today’s technologies make our day so funny. Could you imagine going back to the eighties and live without Internet, mobile phones, GPS, social networks, credit cards? Funny but so easy to divert and abuse. All services
URL Filtering with Squid
Next to my digital life, I’m also the happy father of two young girls. The first one is already ten years old and smoothly discovers the “Wonderful Internet“. Being an Infosec guy, it sounds logical for me to implement some safeguards. First, let the technical stuff aside and talk! Some
Security Awareness Through Proverbs
In big organizations with lot of employees, not all people have the right attitude or knowledge to use information assets in a good safe way. This is not a complain, just a fact. To educate these people, a security awareness program must be implemented to make them aware of the