A few days ago, a buzz hit the information security landscape. /. relayed a BBC article announcing that a new French decree will make hashed passwords illegal. Really? Honestly, when I read this, I also twitted about it. For security professionals, it looks totally unacceptable! Now, the buzz seems over
Search Results for: france
Full-Disclosure is now Illegal in France
The principle of full-disclosure is to publish all the details of a discovered security problem (a software vulnerability). By doing this, the security researchers try to fight against the other principle of “Security by Obscurity”. Once a vulnerability has been found, the “normal” way of working should be to contact
France: IP Addresses are no Longer Considered as Private?
My last post was a little bit funny but the quote came from a French newspaper article about a judgment which can have an effect similar to an earthquake in France! It’s about the “privacy” aspect of IP addresses. A previous justice decision made by Court of Appel in Rennes
France Will Filter Child Pornography
It’s almost done. To fight child pornography on the Internet, the French government has a project of law (article in French) to filter all websites giving access to child pornography. The list will be distributed to all French ISP’s and they will have to block access to those websites (on
Pass The Salt 2023 Wrap-Up
I’m back from Lille, France, where I attended the sixth edition of the conference called “Pass The Salt“. This event focuses on security but around free software. Vendors are not welcome to promote their solutions! Christophe from the crew introduced the event. Basically, it remains the same: a lot of
Pass-The-Salt 2022 Wrap-Up
Conferences are back! After Botconf in April, that’s Pass-The-Salt that is organized this week in Lille, France. After the two years break, the formula did not change: same location, free, presentations around security, and free software! And, most important, the same atmosphere. The first day started in the afternoon and
Botconf Day 1 Wrap-Up
Incredible! Here is my first wrap-up for two years! Now that the COVID seems under control, it’s so good to be back at conferences and meet a lot of good friends. Like most of the events, Botconf was canceled, postponed, uncertain until the COVID situation was better and, finally, it
CoRIIN 2020 Wrap-Up
I’m just back from Lille (France) where is organized the “FIC” or “International Cybersecurity Forum” today and tomorrow. This event is very popular for some people but not technical at all. Basically, you find all the vendors in one big place trying to convince you that their solution, based on
BotConf 2019 Wrap-Up Day #2
The second day is over. Here is my daily wrap-up. Today was a national strike day in France and a lot of problems were expected with public transports. However, the organization provided buses to help attendees to travel between the city center and the venue. Great service as always 😉
BotConf 2019 Wrap-Up Day #1
Hello from Bordeaux, France where I’m attending the 7th edition (already!) of the BotConf security conference dedicated to fighting against botnets. After Nantes, Nancy, Paris, Lyon, Montpellier, Toulouse and now Bordeaux, their “tour de France†is almost completed. What will be the next location? I attended all the previous editions