PHP .vs. ASP

Here is an article which compares PHP and ASP. When you look at the URL, you immediately know the “end of the story” 🙂 Have a look at the document rating in the bottom of the page! Head-to-Head: PHP vs. ASP.NET

Yeah! They got at least one!

Are you, as me, flooded with tons of unsollicited emails coming from everywhere? In my case, I tried lot of anti-spam solutions. Actually, I use SpamAssassin which works pretty well. Seems that spammers future is not so happy: In the United States, the justice hit the fist spammer: Spammer veroordeeld

Uhuh! I started for the first time xmms on my freshly installed RedHat 9 box today and got this warning: I went to the website and got this! 🙂

Where is located this web site?

Everybody knows the famous ‘traceroute‘ (or ‘tracert‘ for Winblows users) command which is very usefull to find the location of a server (ISP/IP based). Now, you can also find the real location of web servers near you. It’s time to turn your GPS on… 🙂 GeoURL ICBM Address Server

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