WBG keeps a web page with major events in the Internet / Hacking history starting from the sixties: http://www.wbglinks.net/pages/history/. They also have a pictures DB of people who contributed to the Internet/hacking in a good or bad way: http://www.wbglinks.net/pages/watchmen/.
Follow Santa!
On http://www.noradsanta.org you will be able to follow Santa Claus trip arround the World… Be there on 24th December!
A breeding of penguins
Yeah! Penguins everywhere! http://screwdecaf.cx/pics/old_penguin/
Marketing .vs. Operations
A friend of mine sent me the following URLs: http://www.onewilshire.com/our_building/virtual_tour6.htm (the marketing point of view) and: http://www.tnarg.org/mmr.html(ithe operational point of view) Which one can we trust? 🙂
Christmas gift suggestion (2)
Another gift suggestion, but for the ladies reading my blog 🙂 You can also order online: http://dialanorgasm.com/
Christmas gift suggestion
I hope that my (wife|friends|family) will read this… Here is the mandatoty expansion for your home sound system… The Squeezebox uses a wireless link and allows you to listen to MP3″s and or live streams… See http://www.slimdevices.com/.
N.0 m-0-r-3 S-p-@-M !
As many of you, I hate spam! Every day, I’ve to fine tune my anti-spam rules (personally I use SpamAssasin) to detect more and more spam coming into my mailboxes… 🙁 I found this interesting script: Chris’s Mediocre Obfuscation Script which creates new rules for SpamAssassin. Its purpose is to
“Dessine-moi Internet”
The Opte project is a project to make a visual representation of the current Internet. It seems successfull 🙂
20 years of viruses…
news.com has an interesting article which draw the history of computer viruses… Everything started in 1984! Decades after creation, viruses defy cure
Shit happens!
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