Dear End User,

Tired by idiot users or friends who calls you to ask dummy questions? Seen on the SpamAssassin mailinglist: Dear End User, While you may think it is ok to call a person in the computer industry at home for help, it drives us crazy. Let me try to put it

French humor?

[ xavier@0-moove 0 ] ~ $ host -t txt -c chaos version.bind ns1.francetelecom.netUsing domain server: Name: Address: Aliases: VERSION.BIND text “ATTENTION, Pourquoi voulez-vous cette information?” This was reported by a friend of mine 😉

New virtual receptionist

Today we had a new system @ office. Called GuestGuard, it will take care of all visitors movement in the Building… That’s nice. I can even receive a mail notification when my visitor arrived! Bad point: this system is much less sexy thant a receptionist! 😉

Linux SSH scanning story

There exists a multithreaded SSH bruteforcer called “haita” which try to login with ‘guest’ or ‘test’ (and same password). Read the full story on the mailinglist. An admin let the attacker break in a system (some kind of honeypot) and talk to him on IRC: Shell commands and IRC


Tonight, big network outage on my colo network… Approximatively one hour of downtime, not all traffic was routed thru alternative paths. Then suddenly, we were routed again but… Hostname %Loss Rcv Snt Last Best Avg Worst 1. 0% 1109 1109 1 1 2 67 2. 0% 1109 1109

Kerry .vs. Bush

Who’ll win? <opinion>IMHO, one of them has already made too much mistakes but…</opinion> On Electoral Vote Predictor you can follow the final round in real time. You can also see nice historical graphs coupled with major events such as the movie Fahrenheit 9/11! Finally, you can add nice stats on

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