Wireless security is a hot and very large topic. One of the first golden rule is to not broadcast your SSID. This is not sufficient enough to protect your network. Wi-Fi security will not be covered here (good articles are available online). The “Service Set IDentifier” or SSID helps, like
Check Your DNS Resolver
Since the announce of the major DNS vulnerability (multi-vendors), it’s patching time for all admins around the world. Did you already perform your homework? The people at OARC have crafted a special DNS name and server that you can query to check whether or not your resolver is using random
Groundwork and Wiki Integration
Next article regarding Groundwork, a very good monitoring and reporting environment. I already integrated WeatherMap with Groundwork (the community edition), or added a Security Dashboard. Now, let see how to integrate a Wiki into Groundwork. A Wiki is an online collaborative tool where everybody can update the pages content directly
Infocus: Blocking Traffic by Country on Production Networks
Interesting article about traffic filtering based on countries: http://www.securityfocus.com/infocus/1900/4. (It’s based on Microsoft ISA server but can be easily extended to other platforms)
eBay Will Track Your IP Addresses
Like many of us, I’m an eBay user. Regularly, I buy or sell unused or deprecated stuffs. eBay (as Paypal, same group) should be one of the most targeted attacks (phising, fraud, …). Today, I received the following alert in my eBay mailbox: Like Google did recently, eBay will start
SSH Fingerprint ASCII Visualization
OpenBSD is my favorite OS and one more time, it makes the difference! The latest OpenBSD CVS version introduces the “SSH Fingerprint ASCII Visualization“. What does it mean? When you connect to remote host via SSH, your SSH client performs some checks on the server key. If it changed, you
Claw Game 0wn3d
How To Beat The Claw Game – Watch more free videos
Four Minutes!
Four Minutes! This is the actual survival time on the Internet for an unpatched system (sources: ISC and the Survival Time Graph). Good practice: Always perform a full patch before connecting a new server on the Internet (even under pressure). A good deployment procedure must be in place.
The Pirate Bay Proposes “IPETEE”
The Pirate Bay wants to encrypt the whole Internet! As you probably read recently, more and more countries and Europe via the Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement Directive (IPRED2). In the ISO model, encryption is usually performed at the presentation or application levels. The Pirate Bay would like to encrypt all
Blog Moved!
After several issues (here or here), this blog finally moved to a new server and new location. The site should have a high availability and better response time now. Enjoy!