I hope it’s not the same for you, but I saw a dramatic increase of false registrations on my blog for a few days (spambots). I decided to take action and search for a solution. WordPress is a blogging system which can be extended by plugins. After some investigations, I
Category: Websites
Catched By Facebook!
Big BrotherFacebook is watching you! You were often warned about the risks of social networks. A lot of personal information are available and do you always really trust your friends? It’s so easy and tempting to accept new requests. The following story was reported in Melbourne: A group of young
Obscure Error Message
Today, I used a well-know service to print pictures. Such service is used by a lot of people, going from newbies to computer gurus… I logged from Firefox but the picture upload interface did not work properly with my Firefox setup so I used Internet Explorer. I opened a second
Gmail Security Flaw?
Lot of sites report a security flow in Google Mail! It should be possible to redirect all your incoming e-mails to an external address. How? By using a malicious filter created without your approval! Check out a good review of this issue: http://geekcondition.com/2008/11/23/gmail-security-flaw-proof-of-concept/.
Back on Finjan
security4all posted a comment about a potential disclosure of personal information when using Finjan. Thanks to him! Once installed the Finjan Firefox add-on does not require any registration nor authentication on the Finjan web site. The service is available “as is” and relies on the HTTP protocol. Here follow more
Rabobank Fishing Site
I just received the following e-mail a few minutes ago: From: “RaboBank” Reply-To: To: undisclosed-recipients: Subject: RaboBank Survey Dear user, This is the first Survey at RaboBank! Please participate in our survey and in exchange you will be rewarded!!! All you have to do is to answer at 8 questions
Safe(r) Surfing with Finjan
A interesting Firefox add-on was recommended by a colleague today. It increases your security while looking for content on popular search engines: “Finjan SecureBrowsing is a free service that proactively alerts you to potential malicious content hiding behind links of search results, ads and other selected web pages. Finjan SecureBrowsing
New Google Features: Comment and Promote
Google introduced new features in its search engine! It’s now possible to promote a site or leave comments!
Google Introduces Gmail Themes
Google introduced Gmail themes! I like my new Pine Gmail interface 😉
iKeepass Close to be Released on AppStore!
A few months ago, I talked about iKeepass. They are news on the blog! The first version is close to be released on AppStore. Other news, this release will be read-only: “Version 1 of iKeePass will be read only, you can just view your KeePass databases. In upcoming versions there