A few years ago (2, 3?) I developed a small tool called the URLwatcher. It helps you to track changes on websites. It was time to upgrade the tool with a brand now interface and more features. The new URL is www.urlwatch.be.
Category: Websites
Google is watching you!
Barbecue at home? Waterskiing? Smiiiiiile! Google is watching you! The new Google Maps service archives maps and sometimes funny details! Google Sightseeing is a nice site which shows you nice things discoreved on maps…
Before / After
On Glenn Feron – The Art of Retouching, you can see nice examples of retouched pictures… Do you prefer before or after? 😉
Google goes personalized!
Google offers now a personalized homepage! You can have Gmail, Google News, Weather, Slashdot on one screen! http://www.google.com/ig/
Why should you protect your wiki from spammers?
Source: http://tipiwiki.sourceforge.net/
JS/UIX is a UNIX implementation written in Javascript! It runs simply in your browser and require no specific plugin. http://www.masswerk.at/jsuix/
Happy birthday Yahoo!
Ten years… Yahoo! celebrates ten years of web presence… They have a nice retrospective of 100 events which occured during this period… See http://birthday.yahoo.com/netrospective/
I Found Some Of Your Life
Why you should always take care of your data! (usb keys, memory cards, portable harddisks, …) http://ifoundsomeofyourlife.blogspot.com/
Tired of playing with ‘0’ and ‘1’ ?
Everybody needs one from time to time, to learn or to quickly get a conversion. This IP Calculator is nice. There is also a perl version to download for free.