[SANS ISC] Malicious Python Script Behaving Like a Rubber Ducky

I published the following diary on isc.sans.edu: “Malicious Python Script Behaving Like a Rubber Ducky“: Last week, it was SANSFIRE in Washington where I presented a SANS@Night talk about malicious Python scripts in Windows environment. I’m still looking for more fresh meat and, yesterday, I found another interesting one. Do you

[SANS ISC] Malicious PowerShell Targeting Cryptocurrency Browser Extensions

I published the following diary on isc.sans.edu: “Malicious PowerShell Targeting Cryptocurrency Browser Extensions“: While hunting, I found an interesting PowerShell script. After a quick check, my first conclusion was that it is again a simple info stealer. After reading the code more carefully, the conclusion was different: It targets crypto-currency browser

[SANS ISC] A ‘Zip Bomb’ to Bypass Security Controls & Sandboxes

I published the following diary on isc.sans.edu: “A ‘Zip Bomb’ to Bypass Security Controls & Sandboxes“: Yesterday, I analyzed a malicious archive for a customer. It was delivered to the mailbox of a user who, hopefully, was security-aware and reported it. The payload passed through the different security layers based on big

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