KPI (Key Performance Indicators) are critical for a successful business. The same applies in security. By example, our daily goal is to: Reduce the number of incidents Reduce the unavailability of resources (downtime) Reduce the time between detection and action upon an incident detection Now, you can do the same
Category: Hardware
Workstation (Un)locking Using Bluetooth
When you use a workstation (PC, laptop or thin client), it’s important to lock it when you are away for a while or funny things may happen. Usually, the screen is automatically locked after a configurable inactivity period. To unlock it you need to type a password or, on some
DiY Network Sniffer
From time to time, network administrators have to use a sniffer to capture flows of packets . In a switched environment, packets are sent from a source to a destination and only the destination host can “see” the packet. To be able to receive all the packets sent into a
iPod Auto-Erase Feature
The new firmware 2.1 is available for the iPod and introduced a new feature: You can configure your device to automatically erase all its data after ten unsuccessful password attempts! No idea if the same feature will be present in the iPhone version (which should be available today). Nice feature
Global Security Week… Go go go!!
The Global Security Week announced by L-SEC starts today! Check out the press release for more details (fr or nl). It’s a good opportunity for all of us to promote security in our environments and ‘stick the knife in deeper’ with key facts: Use a strong password management (strong passwords,
How to 0wn a Cam?
So simply and non destructive! (Source:
SSH Fingerprint ASCII Visualization
OpenBSD is my favorite OS and one more time, it makes the difference! The latest OpenBSD CVS version introduces the “SSH Fingerprint ASCII Visualization“. What does it mean? When you connect to remote host via SSH, your SSH client performs some checks on the server key. If it changed, you
Metasploit on an iPhone
An other good reason to get an iPhone (still not announced in Belgium, btw): Metasploit is available on the iPhone. See Muts’ Blog.
R2-D2 Takes Care of Your Network
Nagios is one of the best monitoring tool available in open source. This software has been re-used in a log of monitoring platform available (free or commercial) such as Groundwork or Centreon. When outages are detected, notifications have to be generated. Classic method are: mail, sms, pager, instant-messenger, rss feed,
More Hosting Nightmare…
Today, my blog suffered of a new severe outage! It already happened end of 2006: One more time, my server was moved to a new data center without prior notification! Ok, there is nothing business critical in this server. But little communication from my hoster would be much better: –