Back to work! # I hate writing docs… #
Hacking Laptop Passwords
Interesting paper found via USB Hacks: Hacking Password Protected Laptops. That’s right: It’s easy to protect your laptop with a password (at BIOS or OS level). But if your laptop is stolen, your data are unsafe! It’s very easy to bypass or recover your passwords and access your data as
Tiny Password Generator
Found on Korben’s Blog, a nice way to generate a random password on UNIX: # < /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c8 tOULPeOk Just create an alias for a more convenient day-to-day use: # alias gen_pw='< /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c8' # gen_pw wbk0ewpn Note: this works
iTunes Allergic to Security Searches?
Today, I was looking for some applications related to security on the App Store in iTunes. I searched for the following keywords: “lock“, “password” or “scan“. All of them returned the same error: I tested on a second iTunes installation. Same issue?!? Any other search request works perfectly.
Promiscuous Colocation?
This blog moved to a new server located in France a few weeks ago but I’m still running the old server located in a data center in Zaventem(BE). For debugging purpose, I started a tcpdump on the box and was surprised to see a *lot* of traffic not mine! WTF!?
Puffy is(was) Alive!
Puffy is the well-known mascot of the OpenBSD project. I found the original one on a small market on the Ré island during my holiday:
iPhone + Keepass = iKeepass
Happy owner of an iPhone and eavy user of Keepass, I was looking for some application which performs the same job: keep an encrypted container of passwords. If you check on iTunes App Store, there are several applications “keepass-alike” but it’s not convenient to maintain two databases (duplicate information). But…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2008-08-31
back home… flooded by mail, rss, twits, … Heeeeelp! # Barbecue time! (before the thunderstorms) # PPP/LCP suxx! Grrrrrr #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2008-08-24
F*cking weather! # upgraded wordpress to 2.6.1 # Upgrade iPhone to 2.0.2 #… Sounds interesting # Excellent: # DNS down? # OpenVAS installation… # First scan launched from OpenVAS # Testing Tweeterrific on iPhone # will VirtualBox run on Ubuntu running in a VMware? # mmmmh… XP
VirtualBox Developers are Amiga Nostalgic?
I’m playing with VirtualBox and got a Windows XP crash during the installation process. I read the virtual machine log and found the following line: 00:01:14.946 Changing the VM state from ‘RUNNING’ to ‘GURU_MEDIATION’. This error is very close to the famous “Guru Meditation” coming from the Amiga world! Do