WordPress has a nice feature called “Permalink“. This can improve the visibility or efficiency of your links (http://blog/monthly/post/13 is much nicer then http://blog?p=13). To achieve this, WordPress generates a .htaccess file to upload in your blog root directory. It processes all HTTP requests via the mod_rewrite module. Problem: all URLs
Category: Websites
We’re all big children!
Everybody knows ThinkGeek. Who never bought a gadget there? 😉 I found another interesting site for all of us: PerpetualKid (Unique Products to Entertain your Inner Child) My wishlist will be updated and posted here soon! 😉
www.yahoo.com et la religion [French]
BRUXELLES 21/02 (BELGA) = Le portail internet “Yahoo!” refuse que les utilisateurs inscrivent à son service de courrier électronique “Yahoo! Mail” un nom d’utilisateur comprenant la suite de lettres “allah”, a rapporté mardi le site spécialisé britannique “theregister.co.uk” dans son édition en ligne. Un homme a essayé d’inscrire sa mère,
WTF eBay!?
Really? Do I need to upgrade? Help!
New urlwatch.be feature
I’m the owner of urlwatch.be. A service of webpage monitoring. Very basic: be notified when a registered pages is updated! Today, I added a specific features for webmaster: You can add a smal piece of HTML code on your page to allow visitors to be notified when you update something.
Rencontre du 3ème type…
Si si, on peut communiquer par jeux de lumières… http://www.cs.colorado.edu/~buechley/diy/diy_tank.html
Google suxx!
Last weekend, Google decided to block my Google-AdSense account! Account Not Active An AdSense account does not exist for this login, as it is associated with an unapproved application. For more information about your application, please review the message we sent to the email address you provided with your application.
Bored @ work? Some free time?
Try http://www.millionsofgames.com/!
About Murphy’s laws…
“If anything can go wrong, it will” This is the well known law but there are more! All of them are here: http://www.murphys-laws.com/
Suspicious file?
You just received a suspicious file and your local antivirus software did not reported any alert? Use the Normal Sandbox Live tool and submit your file.