In January, I developed a tool to sniff Wi-Fi SSIDs. I decided to call it ‘hoover‘ (based on the vacuum cleaner brand). The original post is here. I’m often running this tool in my area to detect the presence of some people in the neighborhood or when I’m staying at hotels.
Category: Security
Hack in Paris 2012 Wrap-Up Day #2
“Home sweet home!“, its time to wrap-up the second day of Hack in Paris before taking some sleep hours. The second day started with Winn Schwartau from His talk was called “Measuring people and technology security“. We have technology everywhere today but warfare started a long time ago with
Hack in Paris 2012 Wrap-Up Day #1
Back at the hotel, here we go with my wrap-up for the first day! I joined Disneyland Paris early from Belgium. It’s always frustrating for your kids when you tell them that you’ll “visit Mickey” during two days! The conference started three days ago with a set of trainings. According
CuckooMX: Automating Email Attachments Scanning with Cuckoo
Today, classic anti-virus protections are not enough reliable to protect against modern malwares. To have a better understanding and, if possible, block them, it’s best to execute the code in a safe environment and to analyze its behaviour. Does it create new processes or files, are outbound connections performed via
All Your Data Are Valuable!
A few weeks ago, a subsidiary of a major Belgian bank was hit by a blackmail attack. Attackers requested a big amount of money or they threatened to reveal sensitive stolen data. I don’t know how ended this story, did the bank pay? Did the attackers really steal a big
The Side Effect of Typo Errors
Typographical errors (or ‘typo’ in short) are very common since the invention of printing press. It started with people inverting block letters in movable type. Still today, we can find plenty of them in books, newspapers or any other visual media, but also on the Internet. In classic(old) medias, this
Attackers Geolocation in OSSEC
If you follow my blog on a regularly basis, you probably already know that I’m a big fan of OSSEC. I’m using it to monitor all my personal systems (servers, labs, websites, etc). Being a day-to-day user, I have always new ideas to extend the product , by using 3rd
RSSIL 2012 Quick Wrap-Up
A quick wrap-up of my visit yesterday to the 7th edition of the RSSIL (“Rencontres Solutions Securité et Informatique Libre“) in Maubeuge (north of France). This is a very small event compared to major organizations like the BlackHat, HITB & co but it’s very well organized by a team of
HITB Amsterdam Wrap-Up Day #2
I’m just back at $HOME. Let’s go for the second day wrap-up! This morning, I walked to the hotel in the sun to take a breakfast. Very nice weather over Amsterdam again today! Bruce Schneier was the second keynote speaker.
HITB Amsterdam Wrap-Up Day #1
I’m back in Amsterdam for the third time to attend the Hack in the Box security conference! Thanks to the organizers, I received again a press pass to cover the event. Thanks to them! So, here is my wrap-up of the first day. This year, I was also present as