“October is Cyber Security Awareness Month and this year the SANS Internet Storm Center is going to offer daily tips on each of the six steps of incident handling areas according to the following schedule: Preparation: October 1-4 Identification: October 5-11 Containment: October 12-18 Eradication: October 19-25 Recovery: October 26-31
Category: People / Places
Cool, I just got my iPhone in time! Holiday can really start now! I’ll have some free time to play with it.
Google .vs. Privacy
A few weeks ago, Google said “Complete privacy does not exist“. That’s true! So true that the NPLC (National Legal and Policy Center) released a PDF file containing sensitive information about Larry Page, one of the co-founder of Google.
Happy Sysadmin Day!
Happy Sysadmin Day to all system administrators around!
Bud Has Mail
Often, a video is the best way to train people or promote some best practices. Watchguard released some nice video tutorials about security. Like the French children books “Martine” (You know “Martine goes to the market“, “Martine visit her friends“, etc), we follow the adventures of Bud, a dummy regular
G00gl3 SmS 0Wn3s U
Google SMS is already an available service.
Turkey Youtube Censorship Bypassed by More and More Turkish Citizen
The popular service Youtube is a wonderful tool to promote all kind of information. But some countries find this too dangerous for multiple reasons (mainly political and/or religious). Have a look at the map below. It represents a world map of countries were Youtube is/was blocked: I’m the owner a
Don’t Start Flame Wars Via Blogs!
A woman (blogger) was sentenced to three months suspended prison sentence and a fine of EUR 500! This happened in Arlon. Reason: neighborhood problems and they exchanged insults on a blog. Read the article (in French).
E-mail Disclosure?
One more time, a new round started today in Belgium between Flemish and Walloons… (I don’t want to start a new political debate here: I’m living in the “French” side of Belgium and working in the “Dutch” side without problems. I try to speak in Dutch and my colleagues understand
The Data Retention Effect on Citizens Behavior
In Germany, data retention is already in place for communication channels such phone calls, Internet access and e-mails. A recent survey (German document) demonstrated that German citizens are aware about the way there private data are logged and changed their behavior in this way. Read comments about this survey here.