So much has already been written over the new Google browser (Chrome) that I did not write anything about it on this blog until now. The “BSI” (Federal Office for Information Security in Germany) warned users about the new Google toy. They recommend to not use the browser in professional
Tag: Security
Global Security Week… Go go go!!
The Global Security Week announced by L-SEC starts today! Check out the press release for more details (fr or nl). It’s a good opportunity for all of us to promote security in our environments and ‘stick the knife in deeper’ with key facts: Use a strong password management (strong passwords,
Hacking Laptop Passwords
Interesting paper found via USB Hacks: Hacking Password Protected Laptops. That’s right: It’s easy to protect your laptop with a password (at BIOS or OS level). But if your laptop is stolen, your data are unsafe! It’s very easy to bypass or recover your passwords and access your data as
iPhone + Keepass = iKeepass
Happy owner of an iPhone and eavy user of Keepass, I was looking for some application which performs the same job: keep an encrypted container of passwords. If you check on iTunes App Store, there are several applications “keepass-alike” but it’s not convenient to maintain two databases (duplicate information). But…
OpenVAS… a fork of Nessus
OpenVAS (Open Vulnerability Assessment System) is a free alternative to the well-known Nessus vulnerability scanner. With the latest Nessus version, the licensing model changed and the latest plugins are only available to paying customers. Based on Nessus 2.2, OpenVAS is deployed in the same way: a server is installed to
Defcon 16 Archive
A copy of all the Defcon 16 material is available on a CDROM. Download the ISO file here.
nBox – Packet-to-Disk Recorder
NMon provides a new appliance ‘nBox Recorder‘ or ‘The Packet-to-Disk Recorder‘. The goal is simple: lot of security analyzis are based on packet captures. This box just performs a simple but critical tasks: It captures the traffic and stores it under the pcap format. Then? Just take your time to
Phone Call Strong Authentication
OpenID is a free service which offers strong authentication to websites (already covered by a previous post). Strong authentication is based on a two factors authentication: something you know, something you have or something you are (more details here). Trustbearer offered strong authentication via, as example, the Belgian eID Card.
The Art of Patching
Finally! After weeks of “yellow status” reported by PSI (Personal Software Inspector from Secunia), my profesional notebook finally went “green”! I’m using PSI for a while on my notebook which has plenty of installed applications: productivity, connectivity, security, reporting tools and much more. Since the beginning, I was never able
Google .vs. Privacy
A few weeks ago, Google said “Complete privacy does not exist“. That’s true! So true that the NPLC (National Legal and Policy Center) released a PDF file containing sensitive information about Larry Page, one of the co-founder of Google.