I published the following diary on isc.sans.edu: “Houdini is Back Delivered Through a JavaScript Dropper“: Houdini is a very old RAT that was discovered years ago. The first mention I found back is from 2013! Houdini is a simple remote access tool written in Visual Basic Script. The script is not very interesting
Tag: JavaScript
[SANS ISC] “Serverless” Phishing Campaign
I published the following diary on isc.sans.edu: “‘Serverless’ Phishing Campaign“: The Internet is full of code snippets and free resources that you can embed in your projects. SmtpJS is one of those small projects that are very interesting for developers but also bad guys. It’s the first time that I spot
[SANS ISC] From RunDLL32 to JavaScript then PowerShell
I published the following diary on isc.sans.edu: “From RunDLL32 to JavaScript then PowerShell“: I spotted an interesting script on VT a few days ago and it deserves a quick diary because it uses a nice way to execute JavaScript on the targeted system. The technique used in this case is
[SANS ISC] Compromized Desktop Applications by Web Technologies
I published the following diary on isc.sans.edu: “Compromized Desktop Applications by Web Technologies”: For a long time now, it has been said that “the new operating system is the browser”. Today, we do everything in our browsers, we connect to the office, we process emails, documents, we chat, we perform
[SANS ISC] Interesting JavaScript Obfuscation Example
I published the following diary on isc.sans.edu: “Interesting JavaScript Obfuscation Example“: Last Friday, one of our reader (thanks Mickael!) reported to us a phishing campaign based on a simple HTML page. He asked us how to properly extract the malicious code within the page. I did an analysis of the
Another Cryptominer Delivered Through Altered JQuery.js File
A few days ago, I published a diary on the SANS Internet Storm Center website about a Javascript file that was altered to deliver a cryptominer into the victim’s browser. Since my first finding, I’m hunting for more samples. The best way to identify them is to search for the following
[SANS ISC] Cryptominer Delivered Though Compromized JavaScript File
I published the following diary on isc.sans.org: “Cryptominer Delivered Though Compromized JavaScript File“: Yesterday I found an interesting compromised JavaScript file that contains extra code to perform crypto mining activities. It started with a customer’s IDS alerts on the following URL: hxxp://safeyourhealth[.]ru/wp-content/themes/wp-trustme/js/jquery.prettyphoto.js This website is not referenced as malicious and the
[SANS ISC] Malicious JavaScript Targeting Mobile Browsers
I published the following diary on isc.sans.org: “Malicious JavaScript Targeting Mobile Browsers“: A reader reported a suspicious piece of a Javascript code that was found on a website. In the meantime, the compromized website has been cleaned but it was running WordPress (again, I would say![1]). The code was obfuscated,
[SANS ISC] Obfuscating without XOR
I published the following diary on isc.sans.org: “Obfuscating without XOR“. Malicious files are generated and spread over the wild Internet daily (read: “hourly”). The goal of the attackers is to use files that are: not know by signature-based solutions not easy to read for the human eye That’s why many
[SANS ISC] Nicely Obfuscated JavaScript Sample
I published the following diary on isc.sans.org: “Nicely Obfuscated JavaScript Sample“. One of our readers sent us an interesting sample that was captured by his anti-spam. The suspicious email had an HTML file attached to it. By having a look at the file manually, it is heavily obfuscated and the payload