I published the following diary on isc.sans.org: “Searching for Geographically Improbable Login Attempts“: For the human brain, an IP address is not the best IOC because, like phone numbers, we are bad to remember them. That’s why DNS was created. But, in many log management applications, there are features to
Tag: Geolocation
[SANS ISC Diary] The Side Effect of GeoIP Filters
I published the following diary on isc.sans.org: “The Side Effect of GeoIP Filters“. IP location, GeoIP or Geolocalization are terms used to describe techniques to assign geographic locations to IP addresses.  Databases are built and maintained to link the following details to IP addresses: Country Region City Postal code Internet Service Provider Coordinates
[SANS ISC Diary] Maxmind.com (Ab)used As Anti-Analysis Technique
I published the following diary on isc.sans.org: “Maxmind.com (Ab)used As Anti-Analysis Technique“. A long time ago I wrote a diary[1] about malware samples which use online geolocalization services. Such services are used to target only specific victims. If the malware detects that it is executed from a specific area, it
Attackers Geolocation in OSSEC
If you follow my blog on a regularly basis, you probably already know that I’m a big fan of OSSEC. I’m using it to monitor all my personal systems (servers, labs, websites, etc). Being a day-to-day user, I have always new ideas to extend the product , by using 3rd