If you are not aware of this news, OWASP released yesterday its annual Top-10 Web Application Vulnerability Risks. I won’t list them again here, lot of security bloggers already did it in the next hours following the official press release. Instead, I checked if the news was also relayed by
Tag: Development
OWASP Benelux Day 2009
This afternoon, the OWASP Belgian Chapter organized its annual Benelux Day in Leuven. The event started round 12:30 with a great initiative: a workshop based on WebGoat. This is an OWASP project which maintains an insecure web application (based on Tomcat) used to teach web security. The proposed lessons cover
Do You Trust Your Framework?
Frameworks are developer’s best friends. Frameworks are sets of libraries, scripts or piece of code reusable by developers. To make things more simple, why re-invent the wheel? There exist frameworks for all development platforms like .Net for Microsoft IIS or Zend for PHP. ZionSecurity, a Belgian security firm, released a