Better than the MTV Music Awards or Golden Globes…

Four years ago, the SANS Institute and the National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC) at the FBI released a document summarizing the Ten Most Critical Internet Security Vulnerabilities. Thousands of organizations used that list, and the expanded Top-20 lists that followed one, two, and three years later, to prioritize their efforts

Justice? [French]

Deux dĂ©pĂȘches: HONG KONG 7/11 (AFP) = La justice hongkongaise a lancĂ© lundi une sĂ©vĂšre mise en garde contre le tĂ©lĂ©chargement illĂ©gal sur l’internet, en infligeant, pour la premiĂšre fois au monde, une condamnation Ă  de la prison ferme Ă  un pirate utilisant le rĂ©seau de partage BitTorrent (BT). PARIS

Next step in the match French .vs. Dutch ?

MERCHTEM 25/10 (BELGA) = Le conseil communal de Merchtem (Brabant flamand) a décidé lundi soir que seules les affiches en néerlandais seraient désormais autorisées pour les commerçants participant à son marché hebdomadaire du mercredi. Certains commerçants du marché de Merchtem utilisent des textes en français et en arabe. Cela leur

Quote of the day

Found on Adam Leventhal’s weblog (member of the DTrace team @ Sun): <quote> My parents are fond of recounting my response when they asked what I was doing in my operating systems class during college: “If I told you, you wouldn’t understand, and if I explained it, you’d be bored.”

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