Category: Security
2005 is over, it’s review time!
Here is a review of all vulnerabilites discovered in 2005:
Better than the MTV Music Awards or Golden Globes…
Four years ago, the SANS Institute and the National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC) at the FBI released a document summarizing the Ten Most Critical Internet Security Vulnerabilities. Thousands of organizations used that list, and the expanded Top-20 lists that followed one, two, and three years later, to prioritize their efforts
IT & hurricanes?
Katarina will reach the US coast soon… Once personal & family safety is warranted, why not take care of IT & Internet? There is an interesting article @ SANS regarding this topic: Article: Hurricane Katrina Preparations
Format your old disks!
Are you selling old hard disk drives on Ebay from time to time? Sure, it’s a great way to get some money back against unused hardware! But, did you always take care of their content? How do you format them? Read this story: Old hard drives yield data bonanza. For
Code to exploit Windows graphics flaw now public!
Descovered a few days ago, this new security breach can now let someone to take remote-control of the infected Windows box! To be safe, you should not download any JPEG files with Explorer 😉 See,39037064,39194791,00.htm Need to surf safely? Try this 😉
Linux SSH scanning story
There exists a multithreaded SSH bruteforcer called “haita” which try to login with ‘guest’ or ‘test’ (and same password). Read the full story on the mailinglist. An admin let the attacker break in a system (some kind of honeypot) and talk to him on IRC: Shell commands and IRC