In 2005, Belgian authorities started a new project: a Safe chat platform for all children between 12 and 15. Authenticated with their eID card, the goal was to keep all potential “predators” away from our children. Nice try but today some statistics were released: February 2007: 75 visitors (average: 3
Category: Belgium
Phising attack against a Belgian bank!
Today, I received the following mail: Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2007 12:30:04 +0100 (CET) From: “” To: xxxxxxx Subject: Important Notice for Citibank Customers This mail has been sent from Germany and the page is hosted in Dallas,Texas (still available @ 13:15 CET). I mailed the admins over there to slashdoted?
The RTBF website was in a strange state this afternoon: Due to their “End-of-Belgium” false announce yesterday, they were for sure slashdoted… I’m still trying to download the video 😉 [Update] ~4 hours later, same issue 😉
Smart gun made in Belgium
“FN”, The Belgian “Fabrique Nationale” is developping an intelligent gun which could be “activated” only when handled by his owner (via a under skinned RFID chip) Robocop will be a reality soon? 😉 Source:
Next step in the match French .vs. Dutch ?
MERCHTEM 25/10 (BELGA) = Le conseil communal de Merchtem (Brabant flamand) a décidé lundi soir que seules les affiches en néerlandais seraient désormais autorisées pour les commerçants participant à son marché hebdomadaire du mercredi. Certains commerçants du marché de Merchtem utilisent des textes en français et en arabe. Cela leur
New hardware for Brussels schools!
I read today the following news: “Le Centre de l’Informatique de la Région bruxelloise (CIRB) procédera au cours de l’année 2005 au renouvellement et à l’extension de l’équipement informatique mis à la disposition de 147 établissements scolaires du réseau secondaire (113 F et 34 N) de la capitale ayant adhéré