Everybody agree on the fact that security is a day to day fight. New security flaws are discovered everyday and keeping your devices (*) is really a pain. There is nothing more boring that patching a system!
Secunia proposes a tool to help you to keep your computers up to date. A new release is out ( Release Candidate 1) which will scan your computer and report problems such as:
- Missing operating system patches
- Unpatched third-party applications
- End-of-live applications
This product is called PSI (Personal Sofware Inspector). The main problem which tools like this one is the knowledge base. For PSI, it seems to not be an issue as all my software were properly detected. In case of unsupported software, you can report it and participate to the database life. PSI schedule an automatic scan of your PC once a week.
A great feature is a link to automatically go to the product homepage or, even better, download the available patch or new release. This is a “must have” product for all Windows users.
(*) Devices means not only computers but all kind of electronic deviced which can send/receive data from networks (mobile phones, pda, printers, routers, …)