Bluetooth .vs. Anonymity is a wonderful archive of quotes found on IRC. Yesterday, I received the following quote from a colleague:

<sixoo> Tain j'etais aux chiottes ce matin et bon nos bureaux
       c'est des toilettes collés les uns aux autres, bref...
<sixoo> J'etais tranquillement en train de faire mon besoin et
       a coté j'entend un monstre pet avec des morceaux qui
       tombent etc...
<K> tain t'es gore
<sixoo> c'etait mon patron
<K> tu reconnais le cul de ton boss ?
<sixoo> non j'ai juste fait une recherche bluetooth

Translation: somebody went to the toilets. The place just next to him was also busy and he started to hear very big “natural noises”. He discovered that his boss was responsible of those farts. How? By starting a Bluetooth discovery!
Conclusion: be careful with your Bluetooth devices. They can uncover you wherever your are!

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