Today, I read the an article about the most used browsers on the Internet. Here is a resume:
Windows XP | 78.37% |
Windows Vista | 9.19% |
MacIntel | 3.59% |
Mac OS | 3.22% |
Windows 2000 | 2.97% |
Windows 98 | 0.76% |
Windows NT | 0.63% |
Linux | 0.57% |
Windows ME | 0.43% |
iPhone | 0.09% |
Windows CE | 0.06% |
Hiptop | 0.02% |
Windows 95 | 0.02% |
Web TV | 0.01% |
PLAYSTATION 3 | 0.01% |
Unknown | 0.01% |
PSP | 0.01% |
iPod | 0.01% |
SunOS | 0.01% |
Nintendo Wii | 0.01% |
Series60 | 0.01% |
Pike v7.6 release 92 | 0.01% |
HP-UXB.11 | 0.00% |
HP-UX ia64 | 0.00% |
Those results show that more and more mobile devices are used to access the World Wide Web. Note the good performance of iPhones!