When you need to give your e-mail address on a non-trusted website (to be able to download a file or access some specific information), you never known how your address will be handled!
Google Mail has a nice feature to catch unsollicited emails. If you have an address <foobar@gmail.com>, you can use your address as <foobar+ANYSTRING@gmail.com>. Google will deliver this mail into your mailbox without problem.
You just have to add a filter to catch “ANYSTRING” in the To: field and move the mail to the Spam folder!
What I like with the “+SPAM” method: you are able to track who did not respect your privacy!
Use addresses such as <foobar+SPAM_www.badsite.com@gmail.com>. If emails are sent to this address by a third party, “www.badsite.com” is in trouble with the law against privacy…
That’s cool indeed. I also like other services like for example http://www.mailexpire.com/ who let you create a temp email for 12 hours and then it gets deleted.