'aA4@', 'b' => 'bB', 'c' => 'cC', 'd' => 'dD', 'e' => 'eE3', 'f' => 'fF', 'g' => 'gG', 'h' => 'hH', 'i' => 'iI1', 'j' => 'jJ', 'k' => 'kK', 'l' => 'lL', 'm' => 'mM', 'n' => 'nN', 'o' => 'oO0@', 'p' => 'pP', 'q' => 'qQ', 'r' => 'rR', 's' => 'sS5$z', 't' => 'tT7', 'u' => 'uU', 'v' => 'vV', 'w' => 'wW', 'x' => 'xX', 'y' => 'yY', 'z' => 'zZ' ); $specialchars = "$&@%=+_^*!#/ยง{}[]()"; $letter = str_split($string); $car = strlen($newstring); if ($car == strlen($string)) { if ($numbers > 0) { for ($loop = 1; $loop <= $numbers; $loop++) { echo $newstring . $loop; NewLine(); } } else { if ($birthday > 0) { $day = substr($birthday, 0, 2); $month = substr($birthday, 2, 2); $year = substr($birthday, 4, 4); $age = date('Y') - $year; echo $newstring . $birthday; NewLine(); echo $newstring . "-" . $birthday; NewLine(); echo $newstring . "_" . $birthday; NewLine(); echo $newstring . $age; Newline(); echo $newstring . "-" . $age; Newline(); echo $newstring . "_" . $age; Newline(); echo $newstring . $month . $year; NewLine(); echo $newstring . $day . $month; NewLine(); echo $newstring . "-" . $day; NewLine(); echo $newstring . "_" . $day; NewLine(); echo $newstring . "-" . $age; NewLine(); echo $newstring . "_" . $age; NewLine(); echo $newstring . "-" . $day . "-" . $month; NewLine(); echo $newstring . "_" . $day . "_" . $month; NewLine(); } else { echo $newstring; NewLine(); } } return; } $found = 0; if ($array[$letter[$car]] != "") { if (strpos($array[$letter[$car]], $letter[$car]) >= 0) { $found++; $substitute = str_split($array[$letter[$car]]); $j = 0; while (isset($substitute[$j])) { $newstring = $newstring . $substitute[$j]; SwapString($string, $newstring,$birthday, $numbers); $newstring = substr($newstring, 0, $car); $j++; } } } if ($found == 0) { $newstring = $newstring . $letter[$car]; SwapString($string, $newstring, $birthday, $numbers); $newstring = substr($newstring, 0, $car); } } if (strlen($_POST['name']) > 0) { $string = strtolower(strip_tags($_POST['name'])); $birthday = $_POST['birthday']; $numbers = $_POST['numbers']; $newstring = ""; // Generate the headers to force the browser to download the file // instead of displaying it. header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename=dict.txt'); header('Content-Type: text/plain'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Cache-control: private'); header('Pragma: private'); SwapString($string, $newstring, $birthday, $numbers); exit; } ?> Social Dictionary Generator

Social Dictionary Generator

Your [Mom|Boy-friend|Girl-friend|Pet] name :
Append birthday (DDMMYYYY) : .
Append numbers : From 1 to .
End lines with CR/LF (for Windows OS).
Disclaimer: This tool is provided "as is" and for the sole purpose of testing your own passwords or research.
Do not use against private nor public services if you do not receive a formal authorization from the owner/maintainer.
v1.0 - 2009/05/19