You said “SIEM”?

In my previous post, I talked about a “SIEM” environment. What’s behing this new accronym? SIEM stands for: Security Information and Event Management Today, IT platforms are very complex (exponential expansion, integration of mixed environments, worldwide deployed) and, in the same time, they must be reliable on a 24×7 basis:

Successful bet?

Yesterday, SN Brussels Airlines organized a “day without email” inside the company. Nice initiative to reduce the mail flow (not always business related) and try to re-install other communication channels between colleagues. This morning, on Bel-RTL, the first French speaking radio in Belgium, they talked about this initiative and interviewed

Fake Wi-Fi networks

I just read a news about fake Wi-Fi networks discovered in the North Station in Paris! What a nice place like a train station to steal personal information. While waiting for their train, businessmen are perfect victims. A SSID like “Orange”, “Cegetel” (or any big player on the wireless market)

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